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Introduction to Natural Ruby

Natural rubies, renowned for their stunning red color and exceptional hardness, are among the most coveted gemstones in the world. Known as the “King of Gems,” natural rubies have been treasured for centuries for their beauty, rarity, and symbolic significance. These precious stones, a variety of the mineral corundum, are celebrated for their vibrant color, durability, and the mystique surrounding their formation and history.

What is a Natural Ruby?

A natural ruby is a gemstone made of the mineral corundum, composed of aluminum oxide. The red hue of rubies comes from trace amounts of chromium within the crystal structure. This chromium gives rubies their characteristic red color, ranging from light pinkish-red to a deep, vivid crimson. The most prized rubies, often called “pigeon’s blood” rubies, are deep red with a hint of blue.

Formation of Natural Rubies

Natural rubies form under specific geological conditions that involve high temperatures and pressure. They are typically found in metamorphic rocks such as marble and basalt. The formation process requires the presence of aluminum and chromium, which crystallize over millions of years to create the magnificent red stones known as rubies.

Characteristics of Natural Rubies


The most critical characteristic of a ruby is its color. The finest natural rubies display a rich, vibrant red evenly distributed throughout the stone. The intensity and purity of the color are influenced by the amount of chromium present in the crystal.


Like most gemstones, natural rubies often contain inclusions—internal imperfections formed during growth. While these inclusions can affect the clarity of the ruby, they also serve as proof of the stone’s natural origin. Some inclusions are even seen as enhancing the ruby’s character.


The cut of a ruby is essential in maximizing its brilliance and color. Rubies are cut into various shapes, such as oval, round, cushion, and emerald cuts. A well-executed cut enhances the ruby’s natural beauty and can make inclusions less noticeable.


Rubies are available in various sizes, from small accent stones to large, eye-catching gems. Larger rubies are rarer and thus more valuable, mainly if they exhibit excellent color and clarity.

Uses of Natural Rubies

Natural rubies are used in fine jewelry, including rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Their striking color and durability make them popular for engagement rings and statement pieces. Beyond jewelry, rubies have been used in decorative items and ceremonial objects throughout history.

Symbolism and Historical Significance

Natural rubies have been associated with various myths, legends, and symbolic meanings throughout history. They are often seen as symbols of passion, love, and power. In ancient cultures, rubies were believed to protect warriors in battle, bring good fortune, and ward off evil spirits. Rubies have also been a favorite among royalty and the elite, enhancing their status as symbols of wealth and prestige.

Ethical Considerations

The mining and sourcing natural rubies can have significant environmental and social impacts. Ethical considerations involve ensuring that rubies are mined and traded responsibly, with minimal environmental harm and fair treatment of workers. Certification programs and transparent supply chains help promote ethical practices in the gemstone industry.


Natural rubies are beautiful red gemstones that testify to nature’s artistry and resilience. Their unique characteristics, rich history, and timeless appeal make them a cherished choice for jewelry enthusiasts and collectors. Understanding natural rubies’ formation, properties, and ethical considerations can deepen our appreciation for these extraordinary gems and their place in our cultural heritage.


If anyone wants to buy Certified and Natural Rubies, please get in touch with us…


FAQs About Natural Rubies


1. What makes a ruby “natural”?

Natural rubies have been formed naturally on the earth for millions of years. Unlike synthetic or treated rubies, human processes do not create or alter them.

2. How do natural rubies form?

Natural rubies form under high-temperature and high-pressure conditions in metamorphic rocks like marble and basalt. Over millions of years, aluminum and chromium have led to the crystallization of these precious stones.

3. What gives natural rubies their red color?

The red color of natural rubies comes from trace amounts of chromium within the mineral corundum. The intensity of the red can vary depending on the amount of chromium present.

4. What is the most valuable color for a natural ruby?

The most valuable color for a natural ruby is a deep, vivid red with a hint of blue, often called “pigeon’s blood” red.

5. Do natural rubies have inclusions?

Natural rubies often have inclusions and natural imperfections formed during the gemstone’s creation. These inclusions can add character to the stone and prove its natural origin.

6. How are natural rubies used?

Natural rubies are primarily used in fine jewelry, such as rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. They are also used in decorative and ceremonial objects.

7. What is the difference between natural and synthetic rubies?

Natural rubies are formed naturally over millions of years, while synthetic rubies are created in laboratories using human processes. Synthetic rubies have the same physical and chemical properties as natural rubies but are generally less valuable.

8. Where are the best natural rubies found?

Some of the finest natural rubies come from Myanmar (formerly Burma), which produces high-quality “pigeon’s blood” rubies. Other significant sources include Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Mozambique.

9. How can I tell if a ruby is natural?

Identifying a natural ruby often requires the expertise of a professional gemologist. They use various tests and equipment to examine the stone’s inclusions, color, and other characteristics to determine its authenticity.

10. What do natural rubies symbolize?

Natural rubies symbolize passion, love, and power. Historically, they were believed to protect warriors, bring good fortune, and ward off evil spirits. They are also associated with wealth and prestige.

11. How should I care for my natural ruby jewelry?

To care for natural ruby jewelry, clean it with mild soap and water, avoid harsh chemicals and extreme temperatures, and store it separately to prevent scratches.

12. Are there ethical concerns with natural ruby mining?

Yes, natural ruby mining can have environmental and social impacts. Ethical concerns include minimizing environmental damage and ensuring fair treatment of miners. Look for rubies with certifications that indicate responsible sourcing practices.

13. Can natural rubies be treated?

Yes, natural rubies can undergo treatments to enhance their color and clarity. Common treatments include heat treatment and fracture filling. It’s important to disclose any treatments when purchasing a ruby.

14. Are larger natural rubies more valuable?

Generally, larger natural rubies are rarer and more valuable, especially if they exhibit excellent color and clarity.

15. What is a “pigeon’s blood” ruby?

A “pigeon’s blood” ruby is a natural ruby with a deep, vivid red color and a slightly bluish tint. This color is highly prized and considered the most valuable.



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