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Basic Gatewayz

Write for Us Policy

Thank you for your interest in contributing to basicgatewayz. We appreciate your enthusiasm for sharing your insights and expertise with our audience. Before submitting your content, please review our "Write for Us" policy outlined below.

1. Content Guidelines:

  • All submitted content must be original and exclusive to basicgatewayz. We do not accept content that has been published elsewhere or is plagiarized.
  • Content should be well-researched, informative, and relevant to our audience.
  • We prioritize quality over quantity. Submissions should be thorough, engaging, and add value to our readers.
  • Avoid promotional content or overtly biased perspectives. Our focus is on providing valuable information, not advertisement.
  • Content should adhere to our editorial standards and align with the tone and style of basicgatewayz.

2. Topic Selection:

  • We welcome submissions on a wide range of topics relevant to our audience. However, we prioritize content related to basicgatewayz.
  • Before submitting your topic idea, please review our website to ensure it aligns with our content focus and audience interests.
  • We encourage fresh perspectives and innovative ideas that offer unique insights or solutions to common challenges in your field.

3. Submission Process:

  • To submit your content for consideration, please send your article in a Google Docs format or Microsoft Word document to
  • Include a brief author bio (maximum 100 words) at the end of your article, along with any relevant social media links or website URLs you would like to be included.
  • Our editorial team will review your submission and respond within 48 Hours. Please note that we may provide feedback or request revisions before final acceptance.

4. Editorial Rights:

  • By submitting your content to basicgatewayz, you grant us the right to edit, format, and publish your work on our platform.
  • We reserve the right to reject or remove any content that does not meet our quality standards or violates our editorial guidelines.
  • Authors will receive credit for their work, but we retain ownership of published content on our website.

5. Compensation:

  • At this time, we do not offer monetary compensation for guest contributions. However, we provide exposure to our audience and opportunities for author recognition through author bios and social media promotion.

6. Copyright and Attribution:

  • Authors are responsible for ensuring that their content does not infringe upon the copyright or intellectual property rights of others.
  • Proper attribution and citation of sources are required for any quotes, statistics, or references used in your content.

7. Agreement:

  • By submitting your content to basicgatewayz, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to our "Write for Us" policy outlined above.

Thank you for considering basicgatewayz as a platform for sharing your expertise. We look forward to reviewing your submissions and collaborating with you to provide valuable content to our audience.

If you have any questions or require further clarification, please don't hesitate to contact us at


Basicgatewayz Editorial Team

© 2023 Created with Royal Elementor Addons