Introduction to Natural Turquoise

Natural turquoise is a captivating gemstone prized for its vibrant blue and green hues. This semi-precious stone has been cherished for centuries, adorning everything from ancient artifacts to modern jewelry. Its unique color and historic significance make turquoise a favorite among gem enthusiasts and collectors.

What is Natural Turquoise?

Turquoise is a hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminum. Depending on the amounts of copper and iron present, its color ranges from sky blue to green. The most prized turquoise stones are those with an even, intense blue color, but all variations are valued for their beauty and uniqueness.

Origins and Formation

Natural turquoise forms in arid regions through the weathering and oxidation of pre-existing minerals. It is typically found in copper-rich deposits, often alongside other minerals like malachite and azurite. Major sources of high-quality turquoise include the Southwestern United States (especially Arizona and Nevada), Iran, Egypt, and China.

Characteristics of Natural Turquoise


The color of natural turquoise can vary widely, from bright sky blue to deep green. The presence of copper gives turquoise its blue hue, while iron adds a greenish tint. Some turquoise stones also feature beautiful matrix patterns, which are the remnants of the surrounding rock in which the turquoise formed.

Clarity and Texture

Turquoise is typically opaque, with a waxy to subvitreous luster. High-quality turquoise has a smooth, even texture, though some stones may have veins or patches of the host rock, known as the matrix.


Turquoise ranks 5 and 6 on the Mohs scale of hardness, making it relatively soft compared to other gemstones. This means it can be scratched more easily and requires careful handling.

Uses of Natural Turquoise

Turquoise has been used in jewelry and decorative arts for millennia. Its striking color makes it a popular choice for rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Beyond jewelry, turquoise is also used in inlays, carvings, and various art forms.

Symbolism and Historical Significance

Turquoise has held significant cultural and spiritual importance in many civilizations. Ancient Egyptians used turquoise in their jewelry and burial masks, while Native American tribes have long revered it as a sacred stone. Turquoise is often associated with protection, healing, and good fortune.

Caring for Natural Turquoise

Due to its relative softness, turquoise requires gentle care. It should be protected from harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, and prolonged exposure to sunlight, which can cause the color to fade. Cleaning should be done with a soft, damp cloth and mild soap.

Ethical Considerations

When purchasing turquoise, it’s essential to consider its source. Ethically sourced turquoise ensures that the mining practices are environmentally responsible and that the workers are treated fairly. Look for reputable dealers who provide information about the stone’s origin.


Natural turquoise is a gemstone of timeless beauty and rich history. Its vibrant colors and cultural significance make it a cherished stone for personal adornment and artistic expression. Understanding its characteristics, origins, and care can help you appreciate natural turquoise’s true value and beauty.


If anyone wants to buy Certified and Natural Turquoise, please contact us


FAQs About Natural Turquoise

1. What is natural turquoise?

Natural turquoise is a semi-precious gemstone known for its vibrant blue-green color, which is caused by the presence of copper and iron. It has been cherished for thousands of years for its beauty and significance.

2. How is natural turquoise formed?

Natural turquoise forms in arid regions through the weathering and oxidation of pre-existing minerals. It is typically found in copper-rich deposits, often alongside other minerals like malachite and azurite.

3. Where is turquoise commonly found?

Major sources of high-quality turquoise include the Southwestern United States (especially Arizona and Nevada), Iran, Egypt, and China.

4. What factors determine the value of turquoise?

The value of turquoise is determined by its color, clarity, texture, and the presence of matrix patterns. Even, intense blue color stones are the most prized, but all variations are valued for their unique beauty.

5. How can I care for my turquoise jewelry?

Turquoise is relatively soft, ranking between 5 and 6 on the Mohs scale. To care for turquoise jewelry, avoid exposure to harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, and prolonged sunlight. Clean with a soft, damp cloth and mild soap.

6. What does turquoise symbolize?

Turquoise is often associated with protection, healing, and good fortune. It has held cultural and spiritual significance in many ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians and Native American tribes.

7. How can I tell if turquoise is natural or treated?

Natural turquoise can sometimes be distinguished by its matrix patterns and color variations. However, determining whether a stone has been treated often requires expert analysis. Treated turquoise may have been dyed or stabilized to enhance color and durability.

8. Is turquoise used in forms other than jewelry?

Turquoise is also used in inlays, carvings, and various decorative arts. Its vibrant color and historical significance make it popular in many forms of artistic expression.

9. What is the matrix in turquoise?

The matrix in turquoise refers to the veins or patches of the host rock that remain in the stone. These patterns can add to the stone’s uniqueness and beauty.

10. What are the different shades of turquoise?

Turquoise comes in various shades, including sky blue, Robin’s egg blue, teal, and greenish-blue. The shade depends on the amount of copper and iron in the stone.

11. How can I ensure my turquoise is ethically sourced?

To ensure turquoise is ethically sourced, buy from reputable dealers who provide information about the stone’s origin and mining practices. Look for certifications or statements about ethical sourcing.

12. Can turquoise change color over time?

Yes, turquoise can change color over time due to light, heat, and chemical exposure. Proper care and storage can help maintain its color and luster.

13. Is turquoise a birthstone?

Yes, turquoise is one of the birthstones for December. Due to its beautiful color and symbolism, it is a popular gift for those born in that month.

14. What should I avoid to protect my turquoise jewelry?

To protect turquoise jewelry, avoid contact with harsh chemicals, cosmetics, and cleaning agents. Also, remove turquoise jewelry before swimming or engaging in activities that may cause physical damage.

15. Why is turquoise popular in Native American jewelry?

Turquoise is highly culturally and spiritually important to many Native American tribes. It is often used in traditional jewelry, amulets, and ceremonial items, symbolizing protection, healing, and connection to the earth.