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Milia (Milialar) - Causes and Treatments

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What is Milia (Milialar)?

Milia, also known as milialar, are small, white bumps commonly appearing on the face, especially around the eyes, nose, and cheeks. They are benign and transient sub-epidermal keratin cysts, which means they are non-cancerous and typically temporary. These cysts form when dead skin cells become trapped beneath the skin’s surface, creating tiny, pearl-like bumps.

Causes of Milia

The primary cause of milia is the trapping of dead skin cells beneath the skin’s surface. This can occur for several reasons, including:

  • Lack of exfoliation: If the skin is not exfoliated regularly, dead skin cells can accumulate and become trapped.
  • Skin trauma: Previous skin injuries, such as sunburn, laser treatments, or allergic reactions, can increase the risk of milia.
  • Lipid deficiency: A deficiency in lipids in the skin cells can lead to the formation of crystallized lipids, which appear as milia.
  • Use of heavy skincare products: Heavy, oily eye creams and petroleum-based products like Vaseline can contribute to milia formation, especially in the under-eye area.

Treatment and Removal of Milia (Milialar)

While milia often go away on their own, some people may seek treatment for cosmetic reasons. Here are some options:

  • Topical treatments: Over-the-counter options like Differin Gel and prescription creams like tretinoin can help exfoliate the skin and reduce milia.
  • Professional removal: Dermatologists can safely remove milia using a sterile needle or other extraction methods.
  • Home remedies: Warm compresses, exfoliating cleansers, and retinoid creams can help treat milia at home.

Prevention of Milia (Milialar)

To prevent milia from forming, consider the following tips:

  • Regular exfoliation: Use gentle exfoliants to remove dead skin cells and prevent them from becoming trapped.
  • Avoid heavy skincare products: Choose lightweight, non-comedogenic products for the eye area and face.
  • Sun protection: Use sunscreen to prevent skin damage that can lead to milia.
  • Maintain a healthy skincare routine: Keep your skin moisturized to support its natural renewal process.

Additional Tips for Managing Milia (Milialar)

  • Be patient: Milia can take time to resolve, so it’s important to be patient and avoid picking or squeezing the bumps, as this can lead to scarring or infection.
  • Consider your diet: A healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals can support skin health and reduce the risk of milia.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps keep the skin hydrated and may prevent milia formation.
  • Consult a dermatologist: If you’re unsure how to treat milia or if they persist despite home treatment, it’s best to seek advice from a dermatologist.

Understanding the Impact of Milia (Milialar)

Milia can have a psychological impact, particularly if they are prominent or persistent. People may feel self-conscious about their appearance, affecting self-esteem and social interactions. In such cases, seeking treatment or professional advice can help alleviate these concerns.

Myths and Misconceptions about Milia (Milialar)

There are several myths and misconceptions about milia, such as the belief that they are caused by poor hygiene or that they can be popped like pimples. It’s important to understand that milia are a natural skin occurrence unrelated to cleanliness. Additionally, attempting to pop milia can lead to skin damage and should be avoided.

When to See a Dermatologist

If milia are causing discomfort, persist for an extended period, or are unsure about the best course of action, it’s advisable to consult a dermatologist. They can provide a proper diagnosis, recommend effective treatments, and offer guidance on preventing future occurrences.


Milia are common and generally harmless skin cysts that can be managed with proper skin care and, if necessary, professional treatment. Understanding the causes and adopting preventive measures can keep your skin clear and healthy. Consult a dermatologist for personalized advice and treatment options if you’re concerned about milia or other skin issues. Patience and consistent care are key to maintaining healthy, milia-free skin.


FAQs about Milia (Milialar)

1. What is milia?

Milia are small, white, benign cysts that appear on the skin, typically on the face. They are formed when dead skin cells become trapped beneath the skin’s surface.

2. Can Milia go away on their own?

Yes, milia often go away on their own without any treatment, usually within a few weeks to months.

3. What causes milia to form?

Milia can form for several reasons, including lack of exfoliation, skin trauma, lipid deficiency in skin cells, and heavy skincare products.

4. Are milia the same as acne?

No, milia are not the same as acne. While both can appear as small bumps on the skin, milia are cysts formed by trapped dead skin cells, whereas clogged pores cause acne from excess oil and dead skin cells.

5. Can I pop Milia at home?

Pop milia at home is not recommended as it can lead to scarring or infection. It’s best to consult a dermatologist for safe and effective removal.

6. How can I prevent milia from forming?

Regularly exfoliate your skin to prevent milia, use lightweight skincare products, protect your skin from the sun, and maintain a healthy skincare routine.

7. Are there any home remedies for milia?

Home remedies for milia include using warm compresses, retinoid creams, exfoliating cleansers, and over-the-counter treatments containing salicylic acid.

8. Can milia be a sign of an underlying health issue?

Milia are usually harmless and not a sign of an underlying health issue. However, if you notice a sudden increase in milia or other skin changes, it’s advisable to consult a dermatologist.

9. Is milia removal painful?

Milia removal is typically not painful. Dermatologists can safely remove milia using a sterile needle or other extraction methods with minimal discomfort.

10. Can stress cause milia?

While stress can impact overall skin health, it does not directly cause milia. However, stress to the skin, such as through harsh skincare practices, can potentially contribute to milia formation.

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